Read Rom. 8:28-32 and Eph. 1:11
1. There are five basic philosophical concepts of God. Atheism is the teaching of no God. Polytheism is the belief in many gods. Tritheism is belief in three gods, this is a mis-teaching of the truth of God’s trinity. Dualism is the teaching of two divine forces, one good and one evil in the world. Finally, monotheism is the teaching of one God.
2. Some monotheism is as bad as the rest, for it is not a teaching of Jehovah as He is revealed to us in the person of Christ.
3. Without Scripture, we will stagger from the extreme error of atheism to the extreme error of polytheism. Only the Bible can, and does reveal monotheism, and the biblical and logical conclusion of monotheism is belief in a sovereign God, “Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.” (Eph. 1:11)
4. One of the widest spread areas of mistake lies in the philosophy of dualism. While it is true that Satan is a force for us to reckon with, to make him a threat to the ultimate plan and government of Jehovah is idolatry. Failure to realize absolute, sovereign providence is a tragic step in four directions at once.
There are four basic philosophies of the cause of events.
1. All things happen according to a fixed law called nature:
i. The only thing that alters anything is conduct within these laws.
ii. This basically sees God as having created and legislated, then withdrawing to be either a restrained or helpless observer.
III God would not interfere if He could, nor could He if He would.
iii. This philosophy basically sees God as subject to His own laws.
2. No law:
i. Nothing is fixed or certain, and that which shall be, is only through chance.
ii. What is, might have as likely not have been, as to have been. (I Sam. 6:9)
3. Fate:
i. This view is that all events are fixed, and will inalterably come to pass.
ii. But that no personal design or force caused it, laments over it, or delights in it.
iii. None of it is either retribution or reward.
iv. There is no such thing as reaction from any super-human power.
4. The fourth view is the Christian view:
i. That is, that God is governing. (Job 1:21)
ii. This view holds God as the designing Creator, Who had purpose and plan.
iii. It further holds that this Creator governs according to that purpose and plan.
1. The above described Christian view is, in reality, the definition of providence.
i. That is, that God governs His creation.
ii. That because He does, the purpose of that creation must be brought to pass.
2. Some ignorant Christians think God is doing a bad job.
i. Because they do not study to see what His purpose is.
ii. Because they impatiently rebel against the fact that He has yet, left some good undone.
3. A logical question is: If God is not, who is?
i. Some, by observation, conclude that Satan is.
ii. Some of these, strangely, conclude that one day God will.
iii. A logical question is: If He does not have control, how may we assume that He can get it?
4. Another question: If the Creator is not governing, why not? The answer must be:
i. He cannot, i.e., He created and lost control.
ii. He does not want to, i.e., He created and lost interest.
iii. If either is true, God’s position is threatened by His own creation.
iv. This supposition casts doubt upon every attributive perfection of God.
5. The only possible Christian view, if one believes divine revelation, is absolute, divine providence.